Hello! My name is Zachary Martin, and I'm a software developer, with a passion for solving complex problems and building clean, efficient, working code. I'm currently enrolled in a top-rated software development bootcamp and will earn a certificate of software development upon completion in August 2022. Through hard work and dedication, I have gained a solid understanding of Java, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Spring, REST API, Thymeleaf, Source Control (Git and GitHub), and front-end development using React, Javascript, HTML and CSS. Through my career as a developer, I hope to use my skills and knowledge base around Java and its frameworks and libraries, and front-end knowledge, to help improve the user experience. I am looking forward to a career in tech, and I believe I have a lot to contribute to any development team. Feel free to click any of the photos below to view the associated project in GitHub. If you're a recruiter or hiring manager, or if you would just like to connect, you can contact me at zm102905@gmail.com. Links to my Github and LinkedIn profiles are also provided below.
Current Projects
Virtual Pets Amok
Virtual Pets Amok is a Java-based application, that builds on the Virtual Pet Shelter project. The main difference is this app utilizes the four pillars of object-oriented programming, which are abstraction, polymorphism, inheritance, and encapsulation. A heirarchy was made, dividing the main virtual pet class into robotic and non-robotic pets. These two child-classes of virtual pet were divided into two grandchild classes, cat and dog. Each child and grandchild class has unique instance variables, and instance variables inherited from their parent classes. Beyond that, it's very similar to the other two projects. The pet data is stored in a hashmap. Methods were introduced that apply specific actions to each subclass, or the shelter as a whole. An interface was used to impliment a walk method to only the dog classes (robotic and organic). This project required an understanding of the four pillars of object oriented programming/class design, in addition to method and object creation.
Review Site MVC
This is a spring boot/MVC web app/site, that categorizes and displays reviews of popular budget to mid-range freshwater spinning reels. The reviews/home page displays a list of all available reviews, and provides links to each individual product review. If you click on a product, it takes you to a review page, where it provides the product name, category, descrtiption, a photo, and a rating. There is a back button at the bottom, linking back to the reviews/home page.
Bird Watchers JPA
Used MVC architecture, spring boot, and JPA in a team environment, to create a website that shows different bird watching packages and information about bird watching.
Donut Clicker is inspired by the classic game, "Cookie Clicker". The objective is to get your donut count as high as possible. The user clicks a donut button, which initially adds one donut. Once the donut count is high enough, the user has the option to purchase a donut multiplier, which increases the amount of donuts made when clicking. Autoclickers can also be purchesed, which automatically adds donuts to your count every second.
Collaborated with a team, to create an educational single page application for children ages 6-13, that promotes an interest in science. This site focuses on oceanic wildlife and the solar system.
Collaborated with a team, to create a React single page application, that serves as a one stop resource for foot care. This was my final project at WCCI coding bootcamp. It describes, provides symptoms, treatment information, and recommends products for various foot-related conditions. A podiatrist locator page helps users find a local podiatrist. A diagnostic quiz was also provided to help narrow down the cause of the symptoms they are experiencing.